Decisions Blog

Author Archive

5.8 Decisions Universe Available

We are pleased to announce that the 5.8 Decisions universes are now available on general release.

You will find the release notice for this release on the MySupport portal.

The main changes in this release are:

  • A new universe for reporting on Borrower Notifications
  • A new object for ‘BL Reference’ in the Inter-library loans universe for BLDSS Web requests
  • New objects in the Inter-library loans universe for non-truncated versions of the author, title and multi-volume objects
  • The name ‘Talis’ has been removed from all object names and descriptions in all universes

If you are still running Alto 5.7 but want to use this version of the universes you may do so. The only object that will not work with Alto 5.7 is the new ‘BL Reference’ object.